Kurs: -- English - Pre-Intermediate
Modul: Relative Pronouns
Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić
Naziv jedinice: Voodoo
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- Test voodoo - Test voodoo - Voodoo (PDF dokument)
When people hear the word "voodoo", the first things they think of are animal sacrifices, evil zombies, dolls stuck with pins, and dances to the rhythm of drums.
Voodoo is not a dark evil force, it is a religion. The exact origins of Voodoo are not known, but its roots lie in West Africa. And this religion is about 6000 to 10,000 years old. The cradle of Voodoo is the nation of Benin, once known as Dahomey, which means "spirit" in the local language.
Voodoo, which was once banned in Benin, is now an official religion there, with about four million followers in that nation alone. Forms of Voodoo are also practiced in other African nations, the Caribbean, South America, New Orleans, and elsewhere.

Voodoo came to America on slave ships. Slaves turned to the familiar spirits of their ancestors to help themselves survive the painful transition to the Christian religion which they were expected to adopt. Slave owners would often destroy altars and other things important for the religion of voodoo because they wanted to destroy the will of the slaves.
Relationships between people and the spirits are the essence of voodoo. This religion tells that the world is alive and that there are energies and spirits in nature. There is only one god, who is called Papa Bon Dieux, and he allows the spirits to influence human activity. These spirits that interact with people are called loa. The loa are the spirits of ancestors, animals, natural forces, and the spirits of good and evil. They possess a person who goes in a trance and he or she dances and sings to a steady but often quite complex drumming. Possessed persons do not remember what they did when the spirit leaves their body.
Voodoo followers do not just gather to communicate with the loa, they also gather to honour loa and their god.
Like other religions, Voodoo is a guiding force in communities where it is practiced.
Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
sacrifice - žrtva zombie - zombi pin - igla rhythm - ritam drums - bubnjevi force - sila religion - religija origin - poreklo root - koren cradle - kolevka nation - država, nacija spirit - duh follower - poklonik slave - rob ancestor - predak transition - prelazak, tranzicija altar - oltar essence - srž, bit, esencija nature - priroda god - bog activity - aktivnost trance - trans drumming - dobovanje community - zajednica |
stick (stuck, stuck) - zabosti ban - zabraniti practice - praktikovati survive - preživeti destroy - uništiti influence - uticati interact - vršiti interakciju possess - obuzeti, opsednuti gather - okupiti honour - odati poštu |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
evil - zli exact - tačan local - ovdašnji official - zvanični alone - sam, samostalan familiar - poznat painful - bolan elsewhere - na drugim mestima alive - živ human - ljudski steady - ujednačen, stabilan complex - složen, kompleksan guiding - vodeći |
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Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
sacrifice – offer, oblation zombie – living dead pin – needle rhythm – beat force – power religion – religious belief origin – root, source, beginning root – origins, heritage cradle – crib nation – country, state spirit – soul follower – believer, admirer slave – servant ancestor – ascendant, ascendant, forefather transition – convert , change essence – essential part nature – environment god – deity, divinity, immortal, Supreme Being activity – action trance – unconsciousness, daze, dream drumming – beating community – association
stick (stuck, stuck) – stab ban – prohibit, forbid survive – pull through, make it destroy – demolish influence – affect interact – communicate possess – control gather – collect, assemble honour – celebrate
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
evil – bad, wicked exact – correct, true local – regional official – formal alone – only (adverb) familiar – well – known, friendly painful – difficult elsewhere – somewhere else alive – living human – manlike steady – consistent, constant complex – difficult guiding – leading
Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
zombie - angel, god, entity religion - atheism follower - opponent slave - master ancestor - descendant transition - stagnation, finish activity - inactivity, inaction trance - consciousness
stick (stuck, stuck) - stop, halt ban - permit, allow practice - relax, rest survive - die, give up destroy - create, mend, repair influence - discourage, prevent interact - disconnect possess - neglect gather - dissemble, leave, separate
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
evil - good, kind, nice exact - imprecise, inaccurate local - foreign official -unofficial alone - together familiar - unfamiliar, unfriendly painful - painless alive - dead, deceased human - immortal, inhuman steady - unstable, weak complex - simple, obvious guiding - confusing, puzzling