Kurs: -- English - Pre-Intermediate
Modul: Past Continuous Tense
Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić
Naziv jedinice: The Twister Hit the Town
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- Test the twister hit the town - Test the twister hit the town - The Twister Hit the Town (PDF dokument)
It was a normal day in Tumberville, Kansas. The kids were at school. People were shopping, children were playing. Then at 12.30 that afternoon, a huge tornado hit this peaceful town. Luckily for everyone, young Wily Stewart saw the tornado first and warned the people. He told us what happened that afternoon.

Willy: Well, I was going to the dentist. I had a toothache so I wasn't at school at the time. While I was crossing the street, I saw something in the distance. It was like a big black snake and I knew it was coming straight towards the town. We have a lot of twisters here so I knew what it was. I shouted ''Twister! Twister!'' and ran down the street shouting it again and again. I saw people running out of their homes. They grabbed their children, pets and things and ran back into the houses. As I was running past the police station, Sergeant Jackson called me to get in. I looked behind me and the twister was already coming down Main Street, so I ran into the police station and shut the door. A few seconds later the tornado went past. It threw the police car around like a toy. It was really frightening. Then suddenly the noise stopped and everything was quiet again. I was happy that nobody got hurt even though I didn't get rid of my toothache.

Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
twister - tvister, tornado, jak vetar distance - daljina snake - zmija pet - kućni ljubimac police station - policijska stanica toy - igračka noise - buka |
hit- udariti, pogoditi warn - upozoriti shout - vikati, povikati grab - zgrabiti throw - baciti get rid of something - otarasiti se nečega |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
huge - ogroman peaceful - miran, tih straight - pravo frightening - zastrašujuće suddenly - iznenada hurt - povređen |
towards- ka, prema like- kao, poput |
Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
twister – tornado distance – space, range police station – police headquarters noise – sound
hit – strike warn – notify, alert shout – yell, scream get rid of something – remove, do away with, eliminate
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
huge – enormous, great peaceful – quiet frightening – terrifying, shocking suddenly – all of a sudden hurt – injured, wounded
towards – toward
Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
distance - height noise - calmness, peace, quiet
hit- fail warn - discourage, ignore, prevent shout - be quiet grab - free, lose, release throw - collect, keep, gather, hold
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
huge - small, minor, tiny peaceful - noisy, unfriendly straight - curved, different frightening - comforting suddenly - expectedly, slowly hurt - cured
like - unlike