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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: So, because

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Shepherd

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test shepherd
- Test shepherd
- Shepherd (PDF dokument)

Once upon a time there was a shepherd. He liked his flock of sheep and he took care of them. One day he was with his flock and he heard a noise that he didn't usually hear, so he turned round and saw a brand new Cherokee Jeep which appeared from nowhere. The shepherd didn't pay too much attention to the car because he didn't want to look curious. The Jeep stopped just in front of the shepherd, so he finally had to look at it. A young man in a Hugo Boss shirt, Yves St. Laurent trousers and Nike trainers got out, came closer and said to the shepherd: "If I can guess how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one of them?” There were many sheep in the flock, so the shepherd looked at the man and said: “Yes, OK then.


The man went back to his Jeep because he wanted to take out his laptop computer and a mobile phone. Then he logged on to the NASA website and searched the local area. Then he made some tables with a lot of statistics. He had a small modern printer, so he printed a 150-page report. Finally, he turned to the shepherd and said: "You have 1,227 sheep in your flock." The shepherd wasn't surprised, so he replied calmly: "You're absolutely right, I do have 1,227 sheep in my flock. Now you can take your sheep."

The young man was happy because he got the sheep, so he hurried to put it into his car. When he had done that, the shepherd said: "If I can guess your profession, will you give me my sheep back?" The young man felt confident, so he accepted. "You are a business consultant" said the shepherd. "How did you guess?" asked the young man. "Three things," said the shepherd. "Firstly, you came here when nobody asked you to. Secondly, you charged me a sheep to tell me what I already knew. And thirdly, you have no idea what I do, because you took my dog, not a sheep!"



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):
shepherd - pastir
flock - stado, jato
sheep - ovca
noise - zvuk, buka
shirt - košulja
trousers - pantalone
trainers - patike
laptop computer - laptop računar
web site - veb sajt, stranica na Internetu
area - oblast
table - tabela
statistics - statistika
printer - štampač
report - izveštaj
profession -  profesija
business consultant - poslovni savetnik
take care of - voditi računa o
turn round - okrenuti se
appear - pojaviti se
pay attention to - obratiti pažnju na
get out - izaći
come closer - približiti se
guess - pogoditi
go back - vratiti se
log on - logovati se, pristupiti
search - pretražiti
print - štampati
turn to - okrenuti se
reply - odgovoriti
hurry - požuriti
give back - vratiti
accept - prihvatiti
charge - naplatiti
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
once upon a time - nekada davno...
brand new - potpuno novi
curious - radoznao
finally - konačno
surprised - iznenađen
calmly - mirno
absolutely - apsolutno
confident - samouveren



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

trainers – sneakers
table – tabular array, board
printer – printing machine
profession – occupation, vocation


take care of – look after
appear – come out
get out – go out, leave  
guess – assume
log on – log in
search – seek, look for
reply – answer, respond
hurry – haste, rush
give back – return  
accept – take
charge – bill


Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

finally – last, lastly, in conclusion
absolutely – perfectly
confident – convinced, positive





Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

noise - peace, silence, quiet
profession -  avocation, recreation, hobby


take care of - destroy, fail, stop
appear - disappear, leave, miss
pay attention to - ignore, disregard, neglect, overlook
get out - come, stay
come closer - depart, wander
guess - question, wonder, neglect
go back - stay, leave, take
log on - log off
search - find
reply - question
hurry - walk, slow down
give back - depart, leave
accept - reject, deny, disagree, refuse
charge - free, pay

Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

brand new - old, old-fashioned, out of date
curious - incurious, indifferent, uninterested
finally - never
surprised - aware, unsurprised
calmly - nervously, angrily, fiercely
absolutely - doubtfully, uncertain
confident - afraid, shy, unsure


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