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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: Passive Voice

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Quiz

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test quiz




1. The 1980 Olympic games were held in:

a) Montreal

b) Los Angeles

c) Moscow


2. Indoor handball was invented in:

a) England

b) Denmark

c) Germany


3. Christopher Columbus was born in:

a) Spain

b) Portugal

c) Italy


4. ‘’Man! I feel like a woman!’’ was sung by:

a) Madonna

b) Shania Twain

c) Anastasia


5. Penguins are found in:

a) the Arctic

b) the Antarctic

c) in both the Artic and the Antarctic


6. ‘’A Nightmare on Elm Street’’ was directed by:

a) Wes Craven

b) John Carpenter

c) Ed Wood


7.  Cranberry sauce is served with:

a) pumpkin pie

b) roast turkey

c) vanilla ice cream


8.  ‘’Wuthering Heights’’ was written by:

a) Charlotte Bronte

b) Anne Bronte

c) Emily Bronte


9. Rice was brought to Europe by:

a) the Chinese

b) the Arabians

c) the Africans


10. Tobacco was first discovered in:

a) India

b) South America

c) Turkey


11. Movado watches are made in:

a) Japan

b) the USA

c) Switzerland


12. U2 was formed by:

a) Bono Vox

b) Liam Gallagher

c) Mick Hucknall


13. The African slaves in the USA were given their freedom in:

a) 1865

b) 1886

c) 1890


14. Taj Mahal was built by:

a) Sultan Ahmet I

b) Ataturk

c) Shah Jehan


15. ‘’Traviata’’ was composed by:

a) Donizetti

b) Verdi

c) Beethoven


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