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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: The Future: Will / Going to

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: On Two Wheels in a Green Land

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test on two wheels in a green land




My name is Robert and I would like to tell you something about my plans in this year. I am an ardent cyclist and, believe it or not, I don’t move anywhere without my bike. Right now I have an 18-speed mountain bike and I hope I will get an even better one at the end of this year.

My next huge love is travelling. I guess the best way to see the country is to use their traditional means of transport. So in Argentina I will travel on horseback, in Nepal on foot and in the USA by car. Then I will come to the point. A bicycle is the perfect way to visit Sri Lanka, so that is going to be my main aim in this year.

Sharing the same kind of transport as local people is definitely going to change the way I experience this place. I am going to travel at a speed that will fit the scenery – not too slow that I can see only a small area each day, and not too fast because I will miss the details of the countryside. Better still, I will stop whenever I wish to listen to the birds or a waterfall, talk to people, smell their cooking or take a photo. However, I am sure cycling in Sri Lanka is not going to be purely relaxing. As my wish is to see the whole country, I am going to cycle through jungle where temperatures reach 37 degrees, cross streams, climb hills and go over paths made of mud, rock or sand.

I am particularly interested to see the irrigation canals. They carry water into the bright green rice fields which appear at regular intervals among the trees. I am going to swim in the canals together with children, farm workers and water buffalo. Then I am going to climb from the jungle up to the hillsides where I will see neat rows of tea bushes in another brilliant shade of green.

After this I hope most of you will feel like visiting this beautiful country. I myself cannot make up my mind where to ride next – perhaps alongside the canals of the Netherlands or through the city streets of China…


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