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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: Quantifiers

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Making a Cake

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test making a cake




Sally:   Hello, Ann. How are you? I see you are busy. Are you preparing to cook lunch?

Ann:     Hi. No, I have already made lunch. But I would like to surprise my family with a nice, tasty cake! And it would be great if you could help me.

Sally:   Oh, it will be my pleasure. Let’s see first, which cake are you making?

Ann:     Well, my husband loves soft cakes with some juicy fruit in it. Unfortunately there isn’t any pineapple left in the fridge.

Sally:   And what about a chocolate cake? I know a fantastic recipe, it’s a so called ‘’Dark cake’’. Do you have any walnuts or hazelnuts in the cupboard?

Ann:     As a matter of fact, I have. Kids will be pleased. You know how much they like chocolate. Great idea!

Sally:   Then it’s settled. We’ll need some butter, as well as some flour, sugar and eggs.

Ann:     How many eggs do we need?

Sally:   There are four in this recipe.

Ann:     And how much butter?

Sally:   ¼ cup, and ½ cup of flour.

Ann:     And how much chocolate do we need? I think I have only one bar of chocolate.

Sally:   Oh dear. There isn’t very much left then. We’ll have to go and buy some more.

Ann:     OK, I’ll go to the supermarket. In the meantime, you can grind some hazelnuts.

Sally:   Sure, that really must be delicious! I can’t wait to try it.


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