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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: Possessive S

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Houses

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test houses




Mr Jones sells houses. At the moment he is showing 634 Elm Street to Mr and Mrs Smith.

“Here we are. As you can see, Mr and Mrs Smith, it’s quite a big house, with two storeys. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a bathroom, and downstairs we have a large living room, a dining room and a kitchen. There is no basement under the house.

Before we get in let’s take a look at the house from the outside. As you can see, there’s a nice garden and a garage next to the house, so as you have a car, it will be very useful. If you look at the roof you’ll see that it is newly repaired. There’s also a chimney but it doesn’t work anymore because the fireplaces were changed with the central heating. The fence is wooden and it is repainted a few weeks ago and as you can see, there’s a lovely decorated metal gate. This path in front of you leads to the back yard where you can find two swings for children and a dog house.

Now, let’s go inside. Here’s a little hall where you can hang your hats and coats. On your right is the living room with a lovely wooden floor. As you can see, all the chairs face TV, so you can see it wherever you sit. Those lovely armchairs on your left are from nineteenth century and that small table over there is perfect to put a stereo system on it. It also has a couple of drawers where you can put CDs. It is also big enough to put a lamp on it, so with the right curtains, you can create a perfect atmosphere.

The dining room and the kitchen are connected, so you can cook in the kitchen and serve the meals in the dining room. The colour of the dining table, as you can see, is the same as the colour of the kitchen cupboards. From the kitchen window you have a pleasant view of the back yard. There is a dishwasher next to the sink, so you won’t have to do the washing up.

The bathroom is equipped with everything that a bathroom should have. There’s a basin, a bath, a toilet and a shower. The tiles, as well as the basin and the bath are blue, which creates a pleasant atmosphere. There’s also a washing machine in the corner.

There is no furniture in the bedrooms, so you could bring your own.

“The house is in excellent condition. You’ll have no problems with any of the walls, floors and ceilings. So, any questions? Ah, yes, the price. Three bedrooms, a garage and a garden. Well, what do you think?”


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