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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: Present Continuous Tense

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Golden Globe Awards

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- Test golden globe awards




CharlizeTheron is very beautiful tonight. Her hair is blonde with romantic curls which are smoothly sliding down her neck. She is wearing a smart, beige dress and a bracelet on each hand. She isn’t wearing a band in her hair like Nicole. While she’s laughing and holding a golden globe award Jack Nicholson is kissing her hand. He’s wearing glasses and black suit with a tie. He’s a real gentleman!


This year, like every other year, stars come to Golden Globe Awards at Beverly Hills. It’s tradition for film stars to walk on red carpet, wave at their fans and smile in front of the cameras.

Nicole Kidman looks absolutely beautiful. She is wearing a beautiful golden dress by Yves Saint Laurent, elegant shoes and a yellow band in her lovely hair. She is walking so gracefully. While she’s walking she is smiling at cameras. Her mother is passing by. She is laughing and wearing an elegant red dress and golden watch. A police officer is standing next to her. The two women behind her are talking about something interesting because one of them is laughing. They are wearing black clothes.


And finally…there he is…Peter Jackson! He is the famous ‘’Lord of the rings’’ director. He looks absolutely delighted. He’s wearing white shirt and black suit with a tie. He’s also wearing glasses. Peter’s kissing his golden globe award. He deserves it!



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