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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: Past Simple Tense

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Gianfranco Ferré

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test gianfranco ferré
- Test gianfranco ferré
- Test gianfranco ferré
- Gianfranco Ferré (PDF dokument)

Gianfranco Ferré was born in Legnano, Italy, on 15 August 1944. He was a fashion designer and he also had the title "the architect of fashion".
He graduated from Milan Polytechnic Institute with a degree in architecture in 1969. During the studies he supported himself by making belts.  His first job, after finishing the studies, was in a furniture company.
Because he studied architecture instead of art his approach to design was different.  His fashion career began in 1970. He designed accessories and then he worked as a raincoat designer from 1972-1974. He started designing for the company Baila in 1974 and four years later he launched his signature collection for women. His first men's collection appeared in 1982, followed in 1986 by his first couture collection in Rome.

In 1989 he became the creative director of Christian Dior in Paris. At that time it was unimaginable for a non-French designer to lead such a Parisian fashion house. He had a very demanding schedule because he was responsible for Dior and his own Italian label. He travelled from Milan to Paris in his private plane. He had a lakeside home near Milan.
In 1996 Ferré ended his engagement with Dior. John Galliano took his place.

Gianfranco's own label is more relaxed than Dior. Ferré 's personal signature in fashion are sophisticated white shirts.

Ferré was very critical of trends and fashion gimmicks. Although he produced clothes, he is probably best known for his accessories. While Versace and Gucci produce attention-grabbing bags, Ferré produced high quality leather goods. Famous actors are customers of glitzy designers but Ferré’s most famous customer was Margaret Thatcher.
Gianfranco Ferré received the award for Best Italian Designer six times and a Gold Medal from the City of Milan.
He died in June 2007.



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):
fashion designer - modni kreator
title - titula
architect - arhitekta
architecture - arhitektura
degree - diploma
art - umetnost
approach - pristup
accessory - modni dodatak, aksesoar
raincoat - kišni mantil
signature - potpis
collection - kolekcija
couture - visoka moda
creative director - kreativni direktor
schedule - raspored
label - etiketa, marka
engagement - angažovanje
gimmick - novotarija
goods (pl.) - roba
award - nagrada
graduate - diplomirati
support - izdržavati, podržavati
launch - lansirati
appear - pojaviti se
lead - voditi
produce - proizvoditi, izrađivati
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
unimaginable - nezamisliv
non-French - koji nije Francuz
responsible - odgovoran
demanding - zahtevan



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

approach – method, technique
raincoat – mac, mack, mackintosh, macintosh
couture – high–fashion
schedule – timetable, agenda  
label – sticker
engagement – job, work, post
goods (pl.) – merchandise, stock, products
award – prize


graduate – pass
support – back up
launch – set in motion
appear – come out
lead – guide, conduct
produce – create, make
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

unimaginable – unthinkable
responsible – reliable
demanding – difficult





Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

degree - dishonor, disrespect
art - science
collection - individual, separation
schedule - disorganisation
engagement - break-up, disengagement
gimmick - reality, truth, honesty
award - loss

support -conclude, discourage
launch - cease, close, conclude, end, finish
appear - disappear, go, leave, depart, abandon
lead - take, discourage, stop, prevent
produce - decrease, destroy, ruin

Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

unimaginable - common, reasonable
responsible - irresponsible, incapable, unable
demanding - flexible, easy, unimportant


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