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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: Articles

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Getting to Know... Belgrade

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test getting to know... belgrade
- Test getting to know... belgrade
- Getting to Know... Belgrade (PDF dokument)

My name is Zoran Jankovic and I will be your tour guide here in Belgrade.

Our first destination is New Belgrade on the left bank of the Sava River where we can see some vast apartment blocks and the Sava Congress Center. Then we will turn back to the central part of the city where the principal landmarks are situated, for example Slavija Square, Belgrade Palace, City Hall and Terazije Street. The item of our particular interest is the elegant Republic Square with its architectonic monuments such as the National Theatre and the National Museum. Walking along Knez Mihajlova Street you will see a few other masterpieces of Belgrade’s architecture: the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, the Serbian Crown Palace etc. In the inner core of the Old town there are the National Bank Palace, the "Question mark sign" inn, Princess Ljubica's Residence and the Orthodox Cathedral.

We will pay a brief visit to the bohemian quarter of Skadarlija, with its cheerful and popular taverns. The next place in our sightseeing tour is the Belgrade Fortress, its Upper Town area, the Eastern Ward with the Ruzica Church and the Jaksic Tower as well as the Lower Fortress (the Nebojsa Tower, the Baroque Gate of Karl VI). At the end of the tour we will visit the famous river island of Ada Ciganlija with its man-made lake. You will have some free time for swimming or relaxing in one of the numerous cafes and restaurants. You can stay there as long as you wish and even get back to the hotel on your own.



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

tour guide - turistički vodič
City Hall - gradska skupština
item - stvar, predmet
masterpiece - umetničko delo
square - trg
crown - kruna
core - srce, srž, unutrašnjost
question mark - znak pitanja
inn - krčma, kafana
tavern - taverna, kafana
ward - odeljak, odeljenje
island - ostrvo


Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
vast - ogroman
principal - glavni, osnovni
particular - poseban
inner - unutrašnji
brief - kratak
bohemian - boemski
cheerful - veseo
man-made - veštački, ručno pravljen
numerous - brojni



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

tour guide – guide
item – thing, object
masterpiece – masterwork
square – piazza, plaza, place 
core – essence
inn – tavern, bar
tavern – inn, bar
ward – block


Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

vast – huge, massive, enormous, wide
particular – specific
inner – inward, internal
brief – concise
cheerful – enthusiastic; happy
man–made – synthetic
numerous – countless





Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

item -whole, ignorance
crown - bottom, worst
core - exterior, outside, insignificance

Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

vast - small, tiny, trivial, unimportant
principal - inessential, insignificant, ordinary, unknown
particular - regular, ordinary, usual
inner - outer, outside
brief - enduring, lasting, long
bohemian - conservative, conventional
cheerful - depressed, sad, pessimistic, unhappy, upset
man-made -genuine, natural, real
numerous - little, small, unimportant


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