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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Pre-Intermediate

Modul: Possessive S

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Families

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test families
- Test families
- Families (PDF dokument)

In a typical British home there are two parents and one, two or three children. Nowadays divorce is common in Britain, so a lot of children live with just one parent in a single-parent family.

Tom's family isn’t the one we could call a typical family. His parents, Sarah and Jack have five children, three sons and two daughters. Tom's eldest brother’s name is Mick and he's nineteen. He left school last year and he wants to spend some time abroad before going to university, so he went to France for a year. Mick's favourite occupation is soccer and his room is full of footballers' posters. Mick's room is now Tom's room, too. Before Mick went to France, Tom had to share his room with his other brother Charlie. Charlie's sixteen years old and he likes music. He plays the guitar and has his own band. The name of Charlie's band is "The Earthquake". There are many music magazines on the shelves of his room. There's also a computer in Charlie's room. If he isn't playing the guitar, he is at the computer.


Tom is the youngest of all the children in the family. He can't stand that. Nobody respects him, he says. Nobody asks him anything. He gets less pocket money than the rest. He can't wait to grow up and become more important in making decisions. Tom's room which once was Mick's is still full of Mick's things, but Tom likes that. His favourite leisure activity is football, too.

Tom’s sisters, Ann and Mary are twins. They are fourteen years old and they share one room. Ann’s and Mary's room is always clean and tidy. There are two beds in it and a couple of nice wooden chairs. Above the beds there are some shelves with books which are in perfect order. Ann’s desk is brown and there’s a nice black lamp on it and Mary's desk is yellow with three red drawers. Mary likes the red and yellow combination.

Children's rooms are upstairs and other rooms in the house are downstairs. The kitchen is connected to the living room with a small hall and it is painted in light green. It is Sarah's favourite room. She spends most of the time in it, preparing meals for the family. When there is a big celebration in the house Sarah's sister, Jane, comes to help her with preparations. Jane's husband, Ben is Sarah’s brother-in-law. He works in a school and he is Tom's geography teacher. Tom likes his uncle very much. He also likes his cousin, Frank, who is Jane's and Ben’s son. Frank is twelve and he goes to the same school as Tom does.

The head of the family, Jack works hard during the day and comes home not before 7 in the evening. He likes sitting in front of the TV after dinner, so Jack's favourite room in the house would be the living room. Jack has a brother John, who is married to Lucy, Jack's sister-in-law. John and Lucy have two children, Jack's niece and nephew.


The twin sisters look up to their aunt Lucy and they want to be like her, tall and pretty. They both say that aunt Lucy always buys the best birthday presents.

There are two more important people who come to the house from time to time, Jack's parents. Usually the whole family gets together in the house of the grandparents, so they don't come that often. Children usually buy their grandfather some sports magazines and Tom often reads with him. Tom's grandfather is also his best friend. Grandmother makes the best cookies in the world. She is never tired when she cooks for her grandchildren.

Wouldn't you like a family like this!



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

parent - roditelj
divorce - razvod
single - parent family - porodica sa jednim roditeljem
son - sin
daughter - ćerka
brother - brat
sister - sestra
occupation - hobi, zaokupljenost
soccer - fudbal
band - bend, grupa
earthquake - zemljotres
shelf - polica
pocket money - džeparac
rest - ostali
leisure activity - slobodne aktivnosti, hobi
twin - blizanac
order - red
drawer - fioka, ladica
hall - hodnik
meal - obrok
celebration - proslava
preparation - priprema
husband - suprug
wife - supruga
brother-in-law - zet
sister-in-law - snaja
uncle - ujak, stric, teča
cousin - rođak (brat od strica, tetke...)
living room - dnevna soba
niece - nećaka
nephew - nećak
grandparent - baba ili deda
grandfather - deda
grandmother - baba
grandchild - unuče

share - deliti
stand - podneti
respect - poštovati
grow up - odrasti
make decision - doneti odluku
get together - sastajati se
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
typical - tipičan
common - čest, uobičajen
eldest - najstariji
abroad - u inostranstvu
favourite - omiljen
clean - čist
tidy - uredan
wooden - drveni
above - iznad
perfect - savršen
upstairs - na spratu
downstairs - u prizemlju
connected - povezan
during - tokom
married (to) - oženjen, udata (za)
from time to time - s vremena na vreme
Nowadays - danas, u ovo vreme



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

divorce –  separation
earthquake –  quake
pocket money –  pin money
leisure activity - hobby
hall – lobby, entrance hall
celebration –  festivity
preparation – planning
husband –  spouse
wife –  spouse
cousin - relative
living room -  sitting room


share – deal, partake
stand –  tolerate
respect –  honour
get together -  assemble, gather
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

common -  usual
eldest –  firstborn
abroad - afield, overseas
favourite – preferred
clean –  spotless
tidy –  neat
perfect - flawless
upstairs -  on a higher floor, up the stairs
downstairs - on a lower floor
connected –  attached
during –  while
from time to time -  at times, now and again, now and then, occasionally


Nowadays - now, today



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

parent - child
divorce - marriage
son - daughter
daughter - son
brother - sister
sister - brother
occupation - avocation, hobby, recreation, fun
leisure activity - work, labor
twin - single
order - disorder, disorganisation
meal - snack
celebration - sadness, failure
preparation - unreadiness
husband - wife
wife - husband

share - collect, gather, join, keep
stand - leave, go
respect - criticism, disrespect, dishonour, ignorance
make decision - delay, hesitate, postpone
get together - divide, separate, distribute

Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

typical - different, extraordinary, rare, atypical
common - exceptional, unusual, extraordinary
eldest - youngest
abroad - at home
favourite - unpopular, disliked
clean - dirty, untidy
tidy - untidy
above - below, under
perfect - imperfect, bad
upstairs - downstairs
downstairs - upstairs
connected - disconnected
married (to) - separated, single
from time to time - rarely, seldom

Nowadays - eventually

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