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"Želim da kazem da iako sam tek na pola, da sam oduševljena ovim načinom na koji stvari funkcionisu!" Stanislava Kraguljac, Beograd
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Kurs: - Elementary Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test at the party - Test at the party
Gabriela and Stefan are at the party. The hostess is Jane. There are many people in the house. Gabriela: Hello, Jane. You have a very nice and big house! This room is lovely! Stefan: Yes, it is. How many people are there? Are there any of our friends from the work? Jane: Yes, there are. There are some women from your work in the kitchen. Gabriela: Are there any men…..ha-ha-ha…? Jane: Yes, there are. They are in the sitting room. It’s upstairs at the front of the house. There’s a view of the front garden and the town in the distance. In the room there’s a sofa and next to the sofa there is a table with food on it. The men are in that room. It’s a very nice place. Stefan: This house is really big. Is there a garden at the front? Jane: Yes, there is. The garden is full of flowers. It’s beautiful in summer. Gabriella: Are there any children here? Jane: Yes, there are. There are some kids in the bedroom. The bedroom is also very big, with some beautiful old furniture. There is one big bed in it. There are lots of toys on the bed. There is a big blue cupboard next to the door where I put my clothes. The cupboard is interesting for children because it is blue! Near the window there’s a big table with two yellow chairs. There are some plants and a telephone on the table. It is a beautiful and comfortable room but very noisy. There’s a view of the street and the city centre! Gabriela: Oh, I am hungry. Are there any sandwiches in this room? Jane: No, there aren’t. They are in the kitchen. Gabriela: Ok, thanks. And, where is the bathroom? Jane: It’s downstairs. It’s 1a.m. and Gabriela and Stefan go home. It’s the end of a beautiful day.
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